Friday, 12 December 2014

The one where: I think about getting a tattoo

Is a tattoo a bad idea?

So, I've been so busy with work, sorry. Although I'm 100% convinced no one reads this blog, I still want to make time to edit and have fun with it. Like I've said in the past, I want this to be something for me to look back on and remember the good(and bad) times I've had in my life.

Recently, I've been thinking, why not get a tattoo? What do I have to lose? I haven't really thought that much into it. I mean, I'm not doing an entire blog post on it or anything...I would like to get something that meant something to me but at the same time, was silly. So silly that when I look back in five - ten years time, I look at it and think "wow remember how crazy I was trying to be back when I was 19 and attempting to live a care-free life!?".

Tattoos are a topic that often pull up a lot of arguments. Are they attractive? Are they a masculine thing? What will you look like when you're a 75 year old woman(or man) with all these tattoos? I say, you will look like an woman who has actually lived her life! Don't get me wrong, if I saw an older woman with 'love' printed on her knuckles and 'Billy' tattooed to the side of her arm, I'd instantly think ''s not every day you see something like that'. It's natural to instantly relate tattoos to these huge men with even bigger egos, but tattoos are becoming more and more popular as time goes on.

From A-list celebrities to unknown wanna-bees, people everywhere are jumping on the 'get-a-tattoo' bandwagon and they're heading for the hills! Take a look here at Harry Styles' tattoos. Now, I'm clearly not the best person to be slagging off his tattoos (how I would kill anyone that said a bad word about him) but, did someone let a 3 year old lose on his arm?! Yes, tattoos are a way of showing how you feel without actually showing how you feel (weird, I know) but, c'mon Harry...random squiggly writing above a heart on your left arm, is this really what we are coming to?

It's not only Harry that seems to have lost a train of thought whilst at the tattoo parlour. Miley Cyrus' newest edition to her tattoo family is this beauty. Three questions to ask with this one. 1. Why does it look like she has just drew this on with a biro pen? 2. Is that supposed to be a dog or a cat and 3. Just why Miley, why? Maybe with a little help from her 'fwends' she can learn how to spell, hey?

The word tattoo comes from two major derivations - the Polynesian word 'ta', which means 'striking something' and the Tahitian word 'tatau' which means 'to mark something'. Simple, right? Wrong! These things are staying on our bodies for the rest of our lives, unless we pay even more that the actual tattoo to get them taken off.

Think before you ink. 

Until next time,

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