Monday, 26 January 2015

The one where: A new start means something different

Something different for the new year

It's a new year which obviously means one thing; we can all stop regretting what we did 2 years ago and move on. For me, the new year brings positivity, new beginnings and even more happiness. Yes I know, we're nearly in February and this post is beyond old but it needed to be done sooner rather than later. This year I plan on doing A LOT of things so thought I would share them with you all. 

1. Travel more! I spend 90% of my days wondering what certain places look like so, this year I'm going to see them. Whether I'm alone or with amazing new friends, this year is my year to see amazing places before they become less amazing. 

2. Stop caring what others think. This one  is a must! Does that boy I seen on the bus last Tuesday really remember that I had my best perfume on that day? Does that girl across the road really care that my hair doesn't look it's best today? No. Literally no one cares what I look like and why I look like it. I need to learn this year to start living and loving my life for me. 

3. Be braver. This year I need to learn to say yes more...even when I'm scared of what might happen. I don't want to get to 50 and be like "why didn't I just go out that time when I was 19?" I'll regret it when I'm older, I know I will. 

So that's it...for now. My top 3 "things to do this year". I seriously hope I do them. 

Until next time, 

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