Friday, 27 June 2014

The one where: Things started to look up

A more positive life

Without speaking too soon, hoping this doesn't jinx anything for me but, things are actually starting to look up for me.

Finally I've finished all my exams and left college. Although I was so excited to be leaving college and the whole education thing behind, I was, surprisingly, kind of sad when I left. I know it's something I have to do in order to go up in the world but, I never imagined to be leaving it behind and being sad about it. I think its more of the routine thing I will be missing. I'll miss having the schedule of something set that I know I can easily fall back on. College was such a big decision for me. It, unquestionably, has changed my life. I walked in there with so many friends thinking I knew how my life was going to turn out. I thought the friends I had previously made, were there to stay and I thought we'd be going through everything together. I walked out of College on Tuesday 10th June a total different person with a total different perception on life. I completely and utterly couldn't have been any more wrong two years ago with how I thought my life was going to pan out.

Anyway, enough of all this boring, soppy stuff - onto the things that matter in life. Happiness. Today I had an interview for an apprenticeship I have only ever dreamed of. It wasn't a surprise when I woke up this morning extremely nervous with an uncontrollable sick feeling in my stomach. It wasn't until I actually walked through the doors of where my interview was, that I realised everything was going to be okay. This was possibly one of the biggest chances I would ever get in something I have always loved. Media has and always will be a huge part to my life. Whether I'm reading a magazine or updating this blog - it's something I love to always be in touching distance of. The two women I met today were extremely nice - never wanted to stay in an interview so much in my life. The best thing about it though is everything that they were saying, I was totally and utterly agreeing with. I've never felt so at home in an unknown place before. I spoke about how I write this personal blog and how I love to write stories. How Social Media is also a big part to my life and what I think Facebook is turning into. Everything they said was so important to me and made me so inspired. It was honestly a dream come true to sit down with two incredibly talented and well educated woman and discuss the things I've never had the chance to speak about before. It was such an incredible atmosphere and everyone there was so lovely and welcoming too, it just made me want to stay longer.

Finally I'm getting to where I want to be in life and I couldn't be happier. I knew everything would be worth it in the end!

Inspirational quote of the day/week: Stick at something that you know will be good for you in the long run. Also, don't always listen to everyone else's opinion on something - have your own perception on everything in life.

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